New Report: Clock Status

New Report: Clock Status

Daily reports for construction are our bread and butter. Our customers rely on our mobile apps to quickly and simply create daily reports for each construction crew and each job site. However, some of our customers may not be aware of the ways we aggregate that data to allow you to access the information you need without viewing a bunch of individual, daily reports.

In fact, we recently added a new report to CrewTracks: the Clock Status Report. The Clock Status page used to simply be a live look at who is currently clocked in, finished, or not yet started. But wait til you see what it can do now.

At CrewTracks, we work hard to keep things simple for our client office staff, and even simpler for the field crews. This might be the single greatest example of that guiding principle to date. Our mobile apps make it so easy for construction crews to create their daily job site reports, and the new Clock Status Report makes it so simple for office staff to find the time and attendance information they need.


"We chose CrewTracks for the software and the people."

Michele Farinaccio,
Eagle Scaffolding Services, Inc.

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