New Production Tracking Features

New Production Tracking Features

UPDATE: As of April 9, 2020, this feature has been fully released and we no longer need beta testers. This blog post has been edited accordingly. Enjoy!


The biggest CrewTracks update since the release of document management is here!

It’s huge, and frankly, you probably don’t need to know all that’s possible with this update. You just need to know how to make CrewTracks work for your use case. For that reason, we’ve created the video below, which contains four scenarios. Skip to the 2-minute mark to see these scenarios laid out so you can choose the one that best matches your needs. Then skip to that part of the video and you’ll find the training that is most relevant to your needs. Pretty thoughtful of us, eh? It’s just because we love you guys.

If you didn’t find the information you need in the video, please don’t hesitate to reach out at 801-742-5555 or Also, take a look at these items which were not covered in the video:

  • In the mobile app, you can input a negative number in production. If someone overestimated the amount completed, or a setback requires some re-work, inputting a negative number can get you back to a more accurate percentage of production complete.
  • Since “production” and “jobs” are now separate tabs, you can turn off production tracking for a certain crew or schedule. So, for example, if you have a driver delivering brick and you want to allocate his time to the “brick” item on the job, you can turn off production tracking for him since he will not be contributing to production. This will save him a few taps every day in CrewTracks. Keep in mind that his hours will still count against the overall efficiency for the “brick” item, which is perfect if you want the production-generating crew to make up for the driver’s non-production hours. (Side note: if you don’t want it to work this way, you would just set up a separate item in the job for the driver to allocate his time to – this way it wouldn’t affect the production item)

Finally, we want to note that this update presented some unique challenges for our product development team. As always, we have worked hard to keep things simple for your office staff and even simpler for your field crews. That’s one of our guiding principles, by the way. That being said, we ran into some important decision points in the development process, and as you get into the details of these new features, you might find yourself wondering, “Wait, how does this affect that exactly?” And while you could probably figure it out yourself by poking around a bit, you could also just pick up the phone and have an answer immediately. We’d love to offer some one-on-one guidance to help you make the most of this amazing update. Frankly, we’re bursting with pride over here, so you’d be doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to talk about it. Here’s our contact info again: 801-742-5555 (option 2 for support) or Talk to you soon!


"We chose CrewTracks for the software and the people."

Michele Farinaccio,
Eagle Scaffolding Services, Inc.

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