New Feature: Photos in Documents

New Feature: Photos in Documents

Daily reports for construction are easy with CrewTracks, and we’ve always allowed you to add notes and photos to your daily report. Additionally, CrewTracks allows you to view, edit, annotate, and sign digital versions of your own documents, whether it’s a specific document required by your customer or simply a document you want to keep using because it’s familiar.

However, the notes and photos section and the documents feature have always lived completely separately from each other, which presents a problem if a certain document requires a photo as part of the document.

Today we’re thrilled to demonstrate that once again we’ve heard your feedback and produced a new feature to meet your needs. You can now add photos directly to a PDF document in CrewTracks.

The following two videos will show you how this new feature works.

If we’re preparing your documents for use in CrewTracks, the first video will tell you all you need to know.

If you prefer to prepare your own documents for use in CrewTracks, the following video will show you how to add image fields to a document. It will also show you how to make an image field required, which is impossible. Yes, you read that correctly. You cannot make an image field required in a PDF, but we came up with a way to do it anyway. Check it out:


"We chose CrewTracks for the software and the people."

Michele Farinaccio,
Eagle Scaffolding Services, Inc.

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