More New Features: Multi-select and Customer Sign Off

More New Features: Multi-select and Customer Sign Off

CrewTracks constantly innovates.  As a company, as a product, as people, we celebrate our successes, but then immediately look to the future.  Two recent examples are the release of the Multi-Select Functionality and the Customer Sign Off feature.

Multi-Select Functionality

This is a classic case of a very small change having a very big impact.  CrewTracks has always had the flexibility for field workers to add or remove jobs and phases from their daily schedule.  However, these items could only be added one at a time, until now.  If you get into the field and find that you’re missing the jobs and phases you need to allocate time to, hit the “Add Job” button and select as many items as you need.  You’ll notice the green button at the bottom counting how many items you’ve selected.  If you’ve selected 7 jobs, hit that green button that says “Add 7 Jobs.”  You’re done.  No need to go back and select more options.

Hidden Bonus: Although we can’t claim to have foreseen this use case, Primrose Landscaping in Stroudsber, Pennsylvania found a great use for multi-select.  As spring approaches, they need to find all their customers who have contracted with them for spring cleanup, which is one of their phase templates.  This template has been added to jobs for customers who have ordered this service.  In order to setup the schedule, Carrie at Primrose searches the multi-select interface for “Spring Cleanup” and then goes through the list selecting that phase for every job where it exists.  Then she taps “Add [x] Jobs” and the whole spring cleanup schedule is set.  Awesome.

Customer Sign Off

CrewTracks now includes a new menu item called “Job Sign Off.”  This feature is most often used when a customer wants to review the day’s work and give their stamp of approval, but it could also be used for:

  • General Contractor Sign Off
  • Time & Material Sign Off
  • Change Order Sign Off
  • Any external stakeholder Sign Off

Note: For an internal review and sign-off on the day’s work, just use our usual Supervisor approve/reject functionality.

The Job Sign Off section will automatically generate a report that contains all the data reported in the app for that day, including labor time, production units, equipment usage, materials consumption, and any notes.  It also allows the CrewTracks user to add, edit, or remove details in order to tailor it to the eyes of the signer.  For example, if the daily report includes a phase that you didn’t have time to work on, you can remove that section and it’s accompanying zeroes.  The signer can then review the report, add their notes, confirm that the details are correct, and add a signature directly on the device.  The report and accompanying signature is then emailed to any recipients you indicate.

Simply put, this feature is awesome.  We look forward to having our next few features released by the time the “other guys” catch up.  : )


"We chose CrewTracks for the software and the people."

Michele Farinaccio,
Eagle Scaffolding Services, Inc.

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