List of List Updates

List of List Updates

CrewTracks helps you organize a bunch of lists, including employees, jobs, materials, and equipment. We recently gave the employees list a major overhaul, and now it’s time to give these lists some love, too:

  • Jobs
  • Equipment
  • Materials

Plus, we’ve made a small update to the way schedules are handled.

The five-minute video below will tell you everything you need to know. Bear in mind all of these updates apply to the web app, so this is just for office staff. This update doesn’t change anything for your field crews.

I know, five minutes is a long time when it comes to internet videos. Here’s the super-condensed version:

  • Jobs, materials, and equipment have new search features and customizable column displays, just like the schedules list.
  • “Material Types” and “Equipment Types” are no longer listed separately in the left-hand menu. Instead, you can access these lists from within the Materials and Equipment pages.
  • You can now edit the content of unsubmitted schedules from the web app. Also, you must complete all required sections before marking the schedule as submitted, just like in the mobile app.

That’s it for today! We hope these updates make your life easier. Stay tuned for more updates coming soon!


"We chose CrewTracks for the software and the people."

Michele Farinaccio,
Eagle Scaffolding Services, Inc.

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