New Feature: Individual Data Entry

New Feature: Individual Data Entry

We are excited to announce our newest feature: Individual data entry! Some of you might recognize this feature already – We selected a few companies to help us test and ensure that this is a solid feature for everyone to use!

What is it: Individual data entry allows your field employees to log in to CrewTracks and manage their own daily tasks. They can clock themselves in and out, monitor their production progress, complete necessary documents, and even submit notes and photos – all through their personal devices. 

How it works: The beauty of this feature lies in CrewTracks’ real-time functionality. As field Employees log in to CrewTracks and input data on their own devices, it transmits instantly to their Crew Lead or Foreman’s daily report. The Crew Lead or Foreman acts as the gatekeeper and will remain responsible for reviewing the data and ensuring accuracy and alignment with project requirements before submission. This streamlined delegation can save valuable time and can even empower your crews to track more data than ever before.

How it will affect you: “Employee” level CrewTracks users will now be able to log into the CrewTracks mobile apps if they have been set up with usernames and passwords. By default, they can access any current daily reports they’re assigned to, clock themselves in or out, start and stop lunch breaks, see limited Job info, allocate their own time to Jobs, and add their own notes and photos.

If you do not want to give your field employees this level of access, there are new “Individual Employee” Schedule settings that can be turned off. You can also avoid setting usernames or passwords for your field employees so they will remain unable to log in.

Additional functionality for field employees can be accessed by turning on other new “Individual Employee” Schedule settings, or by changing the “Field Access Level” on any of your Documents.

As always, let us know if you have any questions or want help getting started with individual data entry!

Check out the video below to learn more!


"We chose CrewTracks for the software and the people."

Michele Farinaccio,
Eagle Scaffolding Services, Inc.

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