CrewTracks Web App i.e. (“Backend”) Updates

CrewTracks Web App i.e. (“Backend”) Updates

Okay, these new features are coming in too quickly to handle. I’m going to just give you our internal list of our latest updates. Check these out!

  • Added: Flexible accounting code for phases.
    • Can be enabled/renamed by CrewTracks onboarding/support.
    • Shows up in the Job Time exports if enabled for ComputerEase and Manual (not grouped by Job).
  • Added: Supervisors and Admins can now remove Jobsite photos on schedules that have not been approved. Hovering over the thumbnail will reveal a red trash button in the top-right corner of the photo. Will ask for confirmation before removing.
  • Added: Superadmin Organization setting that will let Supervisors see all non-approved schedules in the app that they are not assigned to (requires app update).
    • Added: Setting that will enable simple time entry for employees, along with bulk time assignment of all of the employees times to jobs.  (Can only be activated by CrewTracks employee – let us know if you’re interested in this feature)
  • Fixed: Bug that prevented Live Feed to populate for some users.
  • Fixed: Jobs and Phases on the Schedule/Crew add/edit pages are now sorted using a “natural sort” algorithm (e.g. ‘1.3’ comes before ‘1.100’).
  • Fixed: Improved rendering of dropdowns for Jobs/Phases on Schedule/Crew add/edit pages. The buttons no longer change size, and the dropdowns will no longer go off of the screen horizontally, and will instead wrap to multiple lines.
  • Fixed: Increased width of text preview for the “Text Crew” button, and will now appear above OR below the button depending on where the best fit for the text will be.
  • Fixed: Reworked session handling, primarily to fix issue where the Live Event Feed would occasionally not load.
  • Fixed: Job name was not shown on Job Sign-offs on the schedule report if that job had been removed from the schedule.
  • Fixed: Some pages misbehaved in Private Browsing mode in Firefox (and potentially in some other rare cases with different browsers).

"We chose CrewTracks for the software and the people."

Michele Farinaccio,
Eagle Scaffolding Services, Inc.

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