Coming Soon: Add previously-taken photos from your phone

Coming Soon: Add previously-taken photos from your phone

Just a quick heads up…

Currently, you add photos to CrewTracks by opening the notes and photos section and then taking a picture. We’ve heard from a few companies recently who would like to be able to add photos to their schedule even if they didn’t have CrewTracks open when they took the photo.  This feature has been released to our beta testers, and will soon be available for everyone!  No need to break the habit of opening up your phone’s camera to snap a pic.  Just take pictures like you always do, and you’ll be able to add them to CrewTracks later.

That’s it for now, but keep your eyes open for more features coming your way.  Exciting stuff happening over here.  : )


"We chose CrewTracks for the software and the people."

Michele Farinaccio,
Eagle Scaffolding Services, Inc.

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