Huge iOS Update! (Version 0.8.6)

We’ve just released an update to our iOS app.  There’s a lot to cover, so let’s get to it!

Minimum Lunch Time Setting

This setting can be found in Organization Settings, Crews, and Schedules.  It allows you to set two thresholds: minimum lunch time and a minimum shift time.  If enabled, a schedule cannot be submitted if users who work over the minimum shift time do not have a certain amount of lunch set. 

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Coming Soon: Add previously-taken photos from your phone

Just a quick heads up… Currently, you add photos to CrewTracks by opening the notes and photos section and then taking a picture. We’ve heard from a few companies recently who would like to be able to add photos to their schedule even if they didn’t have CrewTracks open when they took the photo.  This … Read more

Trade Shows!

Friends, CrewTracks users, citizens of the internet, behold!  We are exhibiting at these trade shows, and we have discount codes for most of them!  Let us know if you can be there, and we’ll hook you up with a discount if we can.

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CrewTracks Featured in Masonry Magazine

The October issue of Masonry includes an article entitled “Team Tracking Apps: TSheets and CrewTracks.”  You can read the article online here.  The response from this coverage by Masonry magazine has been exciting.  Since most our customers are builders, excavators, pavers, or civil contractors, we’re thrilled that word is getting out: CrewTracks is a great fit for masonry companies as well.  The timing of Masonry‘s coverage (and our ad in the same magazine) is not a coincidence.  We have recently rolled out two new features specifically designed for masonry companies, and the masonry industry is responding in a big way.

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CrewTracks Customers Inform New Features

I’ve worked in B2B software for a while, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s this: there is no such thing as perfect software.  CrewTracks is no exception. But here’s the good news: from the beginning, CrewTracks has been developed to solve actual pain points for actual people in actual companies who want exactly what we’re making.

Game Changer

Exhibit A: CrewTracks approaching perfection.

So while we’re not perfect, we are closing the gap between CrewTracks and perfect every day.  Today, I want to share just one example.

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"We chose CrewTracks for the software and the people."

Michele Farinaccio,
Eagle Scaffolding Services, Inc.

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